Right of revocation
Because of the german Distance Selling Act you have a right of revocation This right does not apply to sealed products, if the sealed package was opened or damaged, or were made specifically for a costumers needs or have other traits, that doesn’t allow return of the shipment. You can withdraw from a order in two weeks after receiving the shipment. The withdrawal doesn’t need any justification and it is enough to send the shipment back to us. It has to be send in time to
Tangodanza: Medien, Bahnhofstraße 48, D-33602 Bielefeld
In case of a revocation we refund the order. You are bound to send the order back to us, if you haven’t done it, together with the revocation letter, yet. The shipment cost for the return of the order have to be paid by you, if the shipped product is the same as the ordered, if the shipment cost does exceed 40 EUR or if you haven’t paid the shipment, yet. Please keep in mind, that we pay the shipping cost of the return, so don’t send us a shipment without paid porto, because we have to pay 12 EUR in those cases as punishment. In case of a return of a damaged or used product, Tangodanza can claim compensations-payment (§ 361a II BGB). The exception is, if the damage is done by any circumstance, the Tangodanza-team can identify.
You can find a standard revocation form under www.tangodanza.de/pdf/musterwiderrufsformular.pdf