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Volco & Gignoli - Samalea 5200

Volco & Gignoli - Samalea

16,50 EUR 19 % VAT incl.
3-4 Days


Volco & Gignoli

Volco & Gignoli + Samalea


Two Argentines in Paris: For almost ten years, pianist Sebastian Volco and bandoneonist Pablo Gignoli have been giving new form to the tango from their adopted French homeland. In doing so, the musicians, who are also active in the formation 'Plaza Francia', do not rely on a mass of effects and danceable snappiness like so many other electro-tango interpreters.
On their new, extremely short CD, they rely more on a broad-walled rock gesture than on machine language and create with great breath and melancholic pulse.
(Review in Tangodanza 88 - 4.2021)

Länge: 30:00 Min.


01 Volver - 5:33

02 Los Libros De La Buena Memoria - 5:24

03 A Evaristo Carriego - 4:36

04 La Pomeña - 5:01

05 Buenos Aires Hora Cero - 2:51

06 Life On Mars? - 3:48

07 Bohemian Rhapsody - 2:36